Could Campaign Manager 360 Benefit you?

Campaign Manager 360 provides a robust set of features for ad serving, targeting, management, verification, and reporting, but could using Campaign Manager 360 benefit you?

Connecting your existing DV360, Analytics 360, and Search Ads 360 accounts with CM360 will provide a streamlined traffic process for DV360, allow you to obtain rich media creative directly from Studio, create Floodlight Tags and audiences to be used across the Google Marketing Platform (GMP) and provide more options for reporting.

CM360 and DV360

When linking CM360 and DV360 the CM360 placements are automatically available in DV360 as creative, so you don’t have to send a tag sheet. Under each CM360 placement you’re able to assign a single creative asset, or multiple creative assets of the same size and control the creative rotation, weight, URL, and each creative assets start and end date. This could save you time by drastically reducing the number of line items you are setting up in DV360.

Conversion Tracking and Audiences

You can create a Floodlight Tag in CM360 or DV360. Floodlight tags created in CM360 will report all conversions for that activity at all times, but the Floodlight tags you create in DV360 are only reporting on activities that are assigned to a line item. The reporting options that CM360 offers are more granular than in the DV360 reporting. The Floodlight Tags and Audiences you create in CM360 are available for use in DV360, and SA360 provided the minimum audience size of 100 members has been met. Take advantage of 1st party cookies for your campaign optimization and retargeting.

Ad Verification

At a glance CM360 allows you to see potential issues with your campaign. Flagging placements that might be serving on sites that are unsafe for your brand, or outside of the targeted area. CM360 can provide an extra layer of protection with Ad blocking, Content Verification, and Geo-targeting. In some cases it might make sense to set geo-targeting in CM360, or in DV360, while in others you might want to set them in both.


We already know that consolidating data from CM360 in Ads Data Hub allows you to match data sets across Google Marketing Platform and other AdTech and Martech sources in a privacy-safe fashion. With Google’s continuous investment in the CM360 product users can expect to have more features at their disposal to help solve the challenges being posed by an increasing focus on user and consumer privacy.

Those are all great features, and if you’re just using DV30 right now is it worth switching? Maybe.. Do you want more robust conversion tracking and reporting? Are you creating a lot of line items for multiple creative assets? Do you want an aggregated view of data, tracking and reporting in one platform, while being able to leverage the conversion trackers across the entire tech stack? Are you wondering what features will be available to help solve the plot holes that will inevitably be caused by cookie deprecation? Let’s have that conversation, and see if CM360 is right for you.