
Cloud Solutions

Gone are the days of endless data silos that keep you from using your data to its full potential. Dandelion helps you organize your data in the cloud so you can effortlessly manage it from collection to activation.

“You have no idea how very impressed I’ve been by all the work and thoughtfulness Dandelion has put into our business. I couldn’t be happier.”

— National Advertising Agency

Data warehouse

All that data your company is collecting needs somewhere to live so it can be accessed at a moment’s notice and used to form reliable insights. 

That’s why most businesses work with a specialist who develops processes and procedures for data management.

Dandelion has ample experience in this arena and can guide you through the process of setting up and maintaining your tech infrastructure without adding significant workload to your team.



Data Lakes & Cloud Migration

Data lakes are a space where vast amounts of raw data are stored and accessed later. These “lakes'' can be located within an organization’s data centre, or be hosted in the cloud. 

Cloud migration is simply moving your company data from on-site data centres to hosted cloud services so you can reduce time and energy dedicated to maintaining them. 

If you’re ready to outsource the daily maintenance of your data, our team is ready to help you decide on a migration process that meets your future needs without disrupting your current workflow.


Data ingestion, consolidation and reporting

It may not seem like it, but your data goes on a long journey before it can be used to form insights or make predictions for your business. 

First, data must be received from multiple sources, then reformatted so that it can be analysed, then consolidated into a single place so that you can finally run reports that show you opportunities within your business. 

Since data is like gold for any successful business, it’s important that the path it takes is reliable so that your reporting is both accurate and actionable. 

Our team has both the knowledge and the expertise to help you receive vast amounts of data and create reports that you can rely on when making key business decisions.


Workflow redesign

Every workplace has a workflow that’s as unique as each of the people within it. But sometimes that workflow isn’t as effective or efficient as needed. 

With the help of cloud computing, you can reevaluate workflows within your business to spot areas of opportunity that are hidden from plain sight. 

Dandelion specializes at working with companies to help identify optimal workflows that reduce cost and increase efficiency exponentially. 

Elevate your tech and reach out to our team today